I continued watching more tutorial on basic Houdini skills to introduction of dynamics(DOP), foundamentals of particles(POP) and finally on particle fluid. All from CardanFx, his videos were easy to understand and quite detail.
Here are some of videos I watch on.
Everything on group. Group node, attribute, how issit use and where to use.
group node
Attribute copy, transfer talks about how to copy attribute like copying color data from one geometry to another and expression like "Cd" to transfer color attribute for attribute transfer.
attribute copy/transfer
Introduction to Dynamics(DOP) scratches the surface of DOPnetwork. There are three ways to make a object to be static/passive. By RBD object and deactivate the solver, by static object and make it a terrain object. It also explore the different attribute in dynamics and shows how to baked simulation to set as initial state.
RBD object
terrain object
different attribute in RBD object
baked sim as initial state
The fundamental of particle talk about how user can call/source particle from more than a place like from the particle selection, create a POPnetwork in object level or inside geometry level then locate from there. The different type of operation or attribute to tweak to adjust the emitter style. Also, how to create particle emitting from objects and parameter of particle-fluid-object node. This is my favourite part where it teaches how to allow particle to interact with objects in the scene.
emitter attributes
particle-fluid-object parameters
POP object
Last but not least, Introduction to particle fluid, the topic which I am interested to look into. I saw some video about the basics of particle fluid like how to create one, the exsisting parameter, baking sims, sculpted fliud, the whitecaps, emitting particle fluid, sinking of fluid and forces. Below is a test I did.