Friday, 13 May 2011

Day 48 The Dawn of Age

While doing test renders at home last night, I encounter a problem. There was something wrong with the playback. I tried all ways to solve the problem but nothing work. This morning, the very first thing I do was to call Mr Ron for help. As this problem was kinda serious to me as it slows down the speed and the progress of my work. When Mr Ron came, he quickly point out the problem. It was about the file out node as the cache produce weird result. After hearing that, WOW, seems like life ain't easy after all. So it seems like before I can do a test render, I need to do a manual cache check to see if the sim is the correct one. I was hoping that by re-doing the same system, it can solve the problem, as I need to convert that file into a commercial version anyway. Spend the day re-doing and at the same time understand it better. It was not long before the day ends.

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