Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Day 54 Genesis

As the final hours getting closer and closer, I am feeling the heat even though Mr Michael told us that we need not show the final renders. I wanted to work to the fullest to come out with the final renders to impress everyone. Hmmm..... we shall see.

For now, I am still tweaking. Opinion/suggestion from Lu Sheng by Mr Michael that there will be no end to tweaking, that's true but for a perfectionist like myself, I wanted to show the best, but come to think of it, there will be subjective views and " What is the best??? "

Despite those, I carry on tweaking. However, there was still some particles stuck at the emitter. To fix this, a fan node was place in position slightly behind the emitter to blow out all the stuck-particle. To get the position of that specific place, a vopsop to normalize the normals and a polyextrude to get the position.

polyextrude for the fan position

 expression to use the position to put fan

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